John 3:16 in Talieng
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John 3:16 in Talieng
ພະເຢໂອວາເດາະກີໂລກເນີແຮງເອັນມອບກີກອນກງອນກໍເຊະເອັນ, ແວກ່າແລ້ວທີ່ເຊື່ອເອັນ(ກອນກງອນ), ໂຢ໊ກາຊີດ, ຄັນໄມເຢງຊີວິດອະມະຕະ (ແທນ) -- ຈອນ 3:16
John 3:16 in Talieng
ພະເຢໂອວາເດາະກີໂລກເນີແຮງເອັນມອບກີກອນກງອນກໍເຊະເອັນ, ແວກ່າແລ້ວທີ່ເຊື່ອເອັນ(ກອນກງອນ), ໂຢ໊ກາຊີດ, ຄັນໄມເຢງຊີວິດອະມະຕະ (ແທນ) -- ຈອນ 3:16
John 3:16 in Talieng of Laos. ISO 639-3 - tdf The Talieng are reported to be located near Phin in Laos.
Taliang (Tariang, Talieng, Trieng) is a Bahnaric language spoken by the Jeh-Tariang people of Laos and Vietnam. It is possibly related to the Stieng language of Vietnam and Cambodia.[2]
There are various languages that have gone by the name Taliang/Trieng, which means 'headhunters'; SEALang classifies two of these as dialects of the same language as Kasseng.[3]
Taliang, Tariang, Talieng, Trieng, Bahnaric language, Jeh-Tariang people, Laos, Vietnam, Stieng language, Cambodia, dialects, Kasseng, headhunters.