
Showing posts with the label Larantuka Malay

John 3:16 in Larantuka Malay / Bahasa Nagi / Lahamaholot

 John 3:16 in Larantuka Malay / Bahasa Nagi / Lahamaholot SEO: Larantuka Malay  is a contact variety of  Malay  spoken in and around the city of  Larantuka  on the island of  Flores  in  Indonesia , and in two enclaves: the village of Wure on the island of Adonara (across a narrow strait from Larantuka) and four villages on Konga Bay, about 40 kilometers south of Larantuka on Flores, and serves more generally as a lingua franca on the eastern tip of Flores and nearby islands. There are approximately 23,000 native speakers of Larantuka Malay. Second language speakers of Larantuka Malay are primarily found in and around the city of Larantuka and through the eastern part of Flores island, as well as the nearby islands of Adonara, Solor and Lembata (Lomblen), and natively speak Lamaholot or other languages closely related to  Lamaholot , which, until recently, were believed to be dialects of  Lamaholot . The city of Larantuka today is a fairly homogeneous community, and although it is larg