
John 3:16 in the Baduy / Badui language

  “Tuhan sangat ngacintai dunia, bahwa dia mere putra tunggalana, bareng saha ulina kadituna, henteu moal paeh, ngalainkeun milik garis hirup nu kekal” John 3:16

John 3:16 in Bit / Bid / Buxia / Buxin / Buxinhua / Khabit / Khbit / Phsin / Phsing / Phongsali

  ພະເຢໂອວາຣັກໂລກກິເດີກ,  ເກີອັນກອນຈຶມເບຣາະໂມຍກົນເຕະເກີ ເມິກໍຕາມທີຕືມເກິ, ຈິປິຮານ,  ກາເລົາອາຊີວິດວາງຈົວ(ແຕນ) ຈອນ 3:16 SEO: Bid; Buxia; Buxin; Buxinhua; Khabit; Khbit; Phsin; Phsing, Phongslai and Luang Namtha provinces, Boun-Tai, Khoa, Samphan, and Luang Namtha districts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bit Native to Laos , China Native speakers 2,600 (2007–2015) [1] Language family Austroasiatic Khasi–Palaungic Palaungic Bit–Khang Bit Language codes ISO 639-3 bgk Glottolog bitt1240 ELP Bit Bit is classified as Vulnerable by the  UNESCO   Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger Bit  ( Khabit ,  Bid ,  Psing ,  Buxing ) is an  Austroasiatic  language spoken by around 2,000 people in  Phongsaly Province , northern Laos and in  Mengla County , Yunnan, China. [1] A sample text in the Bit language Names [ edit source ] In China, the Buxing people (布兴, 布幸, or 布醒; IPA:  [puʃiŋ] ) are also called Kami (佧米人) or Kabi (佧比人, IPA:  [khabit] ). [2] Yan & Zhou (2012:157) list the follow

John 3:16 in Bungku / Ikinyikiusa / Nahine / Tamboeko / Tambuku / Tobuco

  Plain Text: "Tuhan moikono ntuu Junia, dapoloe nade mombeakono ana tamanano, inai inai me imani le nade, nai ta mate, melainkan monaa garesi tora nai pernah upu." John 3:16 SEO: Baturube, Lantula Jaya, Tana Sumpu, Menyo'e, Bahomotefe, Bungku Ikinyikiusa Nahine Tamboeko Tambuku Tobuco  North Bungku, South Bungku, Central Bungku, and Menui Islands districts di Morowali Regency, in Central Sulawesi province of Indonesia.[1] This ethnic group is divided into several sub-groups, namely Lambatu, Epe, Ro'tua, Reta, and Wowoni.

John 3:16 in Watubela / Kasiui / Wesi

  SEO: Watubela, Temertimer, Indonesia, Wirmaf,  Kasiui; Wesi

John 3:16 in Lewotobi

  John 3:16 in Lewotobi (2023) Tuhan sangat mencintai wekae, bahwa nae nei putra tou nae, barang hege nae beriman kepada nae, mate hala, melainkan milik garis morit yang kekal.

John 3:16 in Sila / Sida / Asong / Cu De Xu / Kha Pe / Ko Sila/ Lai Chau / Shila / Si La of Laos

ພະເຢໂອວາອິກໍມີຖ້າມີແຊອ້າແຄະແຍເຊີະ ອ້າໂຍ້ ຢ້າຢໍ ທື້ແລະ ຕື້ປີ້ ໂກ້ຊີ ແນ້ເອ້ ກໍ້ງໍ ອ້າໂຍ້ຈື່ນີ ມ້າຊີ ແຕ່ວ່າ ໂຈແຈ້ນີອະມະຕະ ຈອນ 3:16 From Joshua Project: Introduction / History The Sila inhabit the hilly, tropical forests just north of Muong Hai in north central Laos. They are a Tibeto-Burman people with Mongoloid features and are an official nationality in Vietnam. Lacking specific information on the Sila, some assumptions have been made, based on their location in Laos as well as neighboring ethnic groups with similar backgrounds. Like other Tibeto-Burman peoples, the Sila migrated from southern China. They are part of the Lolo linguistic groups, who were the dominant power in Southern China in the eighth and ninth centuries. In the early ninth century, they made their way into Southeast Asia. Laos has been a pawn in the political competition between Vietnam, Russia, and China. As a result of the many foreign invasions and land wars, the people of Laos have experienced massive social uphe